Monday, May 18, 2009 (3/365)

Updated 9:18 p.m.

6:06 a.m. Wow. What a difference a few hours make.I was able to get to sleep before midnight, which is an accomplishment any evening, especially on Sundays. However, it wasn’t long after Amy and I dozed off that both Madelyn and Braeden awoke–and they never really got back to sleep all night. When my alarm went off at 4:47, I thought I was hitting the snooze, but I dismissed the alarm and…..yeah. Overslept.

So now I’m running a bit behind, but I can’t let it ruin or control the mood of the day. I showered, took the extra few minutes to shave (that was huge to do, in every way), and made it a priority to be here, right now, writing to open the door for my3*6*5 to reflect the tough as well as the smooth days.

Off to iron a shirt and find some pants…Ah, lovely day! You remind me of all for which I am most thankful!

* * *

5:53 p.m. Ugh. What a day. This week is one we all dread as the end of the year approaches. Somehow, HSAs, Senior exams, interim reports for underclassmen, and numerous awards assemblies and ceremonies (including two original slide shows I’m responsible for) get jam-packed into five days, not to mention the myriad events (all good–don’t get me wrong) that my own children need to attend: 4 gym practices, two lax practices, horseback riding lessons, honors band concert, and the list goes on and on.

Again–I’m extremely grateful. It’s just a week that is intense, to say the least.

I took pictures today of my Advanced Comp writers taking their final exam, but wouldn’t you know it–I left the camera at school. I know this won’t be problem once I get my D300 and it stays with me everywhere I go. But it’s obvious that I need to work a few kinks out of the system and remember to download the pics before leaving school….OR….bring the camera home.

No matter. I’ll upload the pics here tomorrow.

(pics added post 5/18…)

Off to Honors band concert for Holland on the flute. WooHoo! Go Holland! (now–if I can just keep my eyes open long enough to hear any of it!)

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9:07 p.m. What a wonderful concert…I cannot believe how much Holland has grown up in the last two years. I’m glad that I was there to enjoy the music.

The Madrigals group was phenomenal. When I was in high school, I sang madrigals (I have no idea how they let me sing anything….I was horrible), and listening to the middle school group sing brought back so many memories of performing….I was also in a show choir called Full Sail. Our outfits were hilarious: puffy pirate shirts and black slacks…We were a m a z i n g…. 🙂

I realized, too, at the concert that I need to publish more. I need to get more of my work out there, and I’ve got to put the effort into submitting my writing to markets I believe in who, I hope, will believe in me as well.

A fellow writer keeps pushing me to finish Cold Rock, and she’s right; I just need to wrap it up and get it out there. It’s a great goal for the summer. But there are smaller pieces that need to get out there as well. I have to practice more of what I preach.

I’m off to get some sleep after the kids get to bed. I am so tired, and the week is too long to start off this way.

Love to all. See you tomorrow. ❤

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